Speaking Schedule

2025 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

Febraury 8th: Winter Tree Identification workshop
Sponsor: Kentucky Native Plant Society
Time: 10:00AM - 2:30PM
Location: Bernheim Arboretum, 2075 Clermont Road, Clermont, KY 40110
Program details: Registration information forthcoming.

February 9th: Plants of Concern: A Rare Plant Monitoring Program in Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

February 16th: Rare and Showy Plants of the Chicago Region and the Habitats That Support Them presentation
Sponsor: West Cook Wild Ones
Time: 2:30PM
Location: zoom
Program details: Click here to register.

March 1st: Updating the Illinois Big Tree Registry presentation
Sponsor: Wild Things conference
Time: TBA
Location: Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL
Program details: Registration available at https://wildthingscommunity.org/.

March 8th: Top Places in Illinois for Photographing Flora presentation
Sponsor: Spring Nature Photography Symposium for Friends of Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge
Time: 1:00PM - 3:30PM
Location: Cran Orchard Visitors Center, 8588 IL-148, Marion, IL 62959
Program details: This is a private event.

March 27th: Hidden Natural Treasures presentation
Sponsor: Plainfield Area Public Library
Time: 6:30PM
Location: virtual
Program details: Registration information available at this link.

April 16th (begins online), virtual component on April 23rd and and April 30th: Identify Woodland Wildflowers online class
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 7:00PM to 8:30PM April 23rd online and 7:00PM to 8:30PM April 30th online
Location: Virtual and The Morton Arboretum
Program details:   Registration available at this link.

June 13th - August 1st: Flora of Southern Illinois college course 
Sponsor: Southern Illinois University
Location: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This is an 8-week 400 level college course taught through the Plant Biology Department at SIUC.

June 16th - 18th: Early Summer Spring Wetland Plant ID course
Sponsor: DuPage County Stormwater Management
Time: 8:00AM-4:30PM
Location: Various
Program details:  Registration required, contact Nick Assell at nick.assell@dupageco.org.

June 21st: Updates to the Flora of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Illinois Native Plant Society Annual Gathering hosted by the Southern Chapter
Time: TBA
Location: Touch of Nature, Makanda, IL
Program details: Registration information forthcoming.

July 27th: Flora of Bean Ridge (Shawnee National Forest) presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

August 13th - 15th: Late Summer Spring Wetland Plant ID course
Sponsor: DuPage County Stormwater Management
Time: 8:00AM-4:30PM
Location: Various
Program details:  Registration required, contact Nick Assell at nick.assell@dupageco.org.

December 7th: Illinois Botanizer's Best of Illinois Nature Photos 2024 presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.


2024 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

February 4th: Plant Blindness presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

February 23rd: Nature Encounters in Illinois: Stories From the Field presentation
Sponsor: National Biodiversity Teach-In
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details: This virtual presentation is free and open to the public.  Registation available on their website.

March 2nd: Wildflowers for the Home Garden presentation
Sponsor: Illinois Master Gardeners Spring into Gardening conference
Time: 8:30AM-12:30PM
Location: Wesley United Methodist Church, 2206 4th St, Charleston, IL 61920
Program details: Registration at this link.

March 3rd: Botanical Names Demystified presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

March 6th: Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers presentation
Sponsor: Gateway Green Conference
Time: 10:20AM - 11:20AM (conference is from 8:00AM to 4:00PM)
Location: Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, IL
Program details: Registration at this link.

April 4th (begins online), virtual component on April 16th and in person field instruction April 20th: Identify Woodland Wildflowers online class
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 6:30PM to 8:30PM April 16th online and 9:30-12:30 April 20th in person
Location: Virtual and The Morton Arboretum
Program details:   Registration available at this link.

April 6th: Butterfly Host Plants presentation
Sponsor: Piatt County Master Gardeners Spring Gardening Conference
Time: 9:00AM
Location: Monticello Community Building, 201 N. State St., Monticello, IL
Program details: Registration at this link.

April 10th: Botanical Names Demystified presentation
Sponsor: Wild Ones Gibson Woods chapter
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Zoom
Program details: This virtual slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.  Register at this link.

April 13th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers presentation
Sponsor: Glacier's Edge Master Naturalists
Time: 9:00AM
Location: Rock Springs Nature Center, Decatur, IL
Program details: This event is open to the public with a $25 fee.

April 14th: Nature Hike tour
Sponsor: Illinois Native Plant Society - Central Chapter
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Rochester, IL
Program details: This event is on private property and open to INPS members only.

April 18th: Wild Ferns of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Wild Ones Rock River Valley chapter
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details: This virtual slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.  Registration details TBA

June 14th - August 2nd: Flora of Southern Illinois college course 
Sponsor: Southern Illinois University
Location: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This is an 8-week 400 level college course taught through the Plant Biology Department at SIUC.

June 24th - 26th: Early Summer Spring Wetland Plant ID course
Sponsor: DuPage County Stormwater Management
Time: 8:00AM-4:30PM
Location: Various
Program details:  Registration required, contact Nick Assell at nick.assell@dupageco.org.

June 27th: Advanced Training: Summer Tree Identification class
Sponsor: Illinois Arborist Association
Time: 9:00AM-4:00PM
Location: The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Program details:  Registration is required and available at this link.

July 1st-31th: Wild Orchids of Illinois Photography exhibit
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: all month
Location: Giant City State Park Visitor's Center
Program details:   Photos will be on display in the atrium of the Visitor's Center during the month of July.

July 18th: Butterfly Host Plants presentation
Sponsor: Elburn Public Library
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details: This virtual slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.  Register TBA.

July 28th: Flora of One Horse Gap Lake presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

August 12th - 14th: Late Summer Spring Wetland Plant ID course
Sponsor: DuPage County Stormwater Management
Time: 8:00AM-4:30PM
Location: Various
Program details:  Registration required, contact Nick Assell at nick.assell@dupageco.org.

October 21st: Plants of Concern: a Rare Plant Monitoring Program presentation
Sponsor: Wild Ones Illinois Prairie chapter
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Mennonite Church of Normal, 805 S. Cottage Avenue, Normal, IL 61761
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.  No registration required.

November 9th: Saving Illinois Nature presentation
Sponsor: East Central Illinois Master Naturalists Annual Meeting
Time: 11:00AM (event from (9:00AM to 1:00PM)
Location: Lake of the Woods, Mahomet, IL
Program details: Registration TBA

December 8th: Illinois Botanizer's Best of Illinois Nature Photos 2024 presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

2023 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

January 8th: Updating the Illinois Big Tree Register presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

February 8th: Plant Identification session 1
Sponsor: Learning in Retirement
Time: 1:30PM
Location: 1501 W Chautauqua St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: Contact https://conferenceservices.siu.edu/silir/index.php for more information.

February 15th: Plant Identification session 2
Sponsor: Learning in Retirement
Time: 1:30PM
Location: 1501 W Chautauqua St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: Contact https://conferenceservices.siu.edu/silir/index.php for more information.

February 19th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers presentation
Sponsor: West Cook Wild Ones
Time: 2:30PM
Location: Virtual
Program details: Registration available at this link.

February 22nd: Plant Identification session 3
Sponsor: Learning in Retirement
Time: 1:30PM
Location: 1501 W Chautauqua St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: Contact https://conferenceservices.siu.edu/silir/index.php for more information.

February 23rd: Illinois Orchids presentation
Sponsor: Greater DuPage Wild Ones Chapter
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details: Registration available at this link.

February 25th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Macon County Master Gardeners Gardening Insights 
Time: 9:00AM
Location: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 1 Bachrach Ct., Decatur 62526
Program details: Registration will be available at this link.  

February 26th: Plants of Concern: A Rare Plant Monitoring Program in Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

March 1st: Plant Identification session 4
Sponsor: Learning in Retirement
Time: 1:30PM
Location: 1501 W Chautauqua St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: Contact https://conferenceservices.siu.edu/silir/index.php for more information.

March 2nd: Illinois Wildflowers and Nature presentation
Sponsor: Prairie State Conservation Coalition
Time: 6:00PM
Location: Starved Rock State Park Lodge and Conference Center
Program details: Contact https://www.prairiestateconservation.org/pscc/ to attend.

March 4th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers presentation
Sponsor: Carlinville Public Library
Time: 10:00AM
Location: 510 N Broad St., Carlinville, IL 62626
Program details: This program is free and open to the public.

March 8th: Plant Identification session 5
Sponsor: Learning in Retirement
Time: 1:30PM
Location: 1501 W Chautauqua St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: Contact https://conferenceservices.siu.edu/silir/index.php for more information.

March 11th: Butterfly Host Plants and Rare Plants of Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Midwest Herb and Garden Show
Time: 12:15PM and 3:15PM
Location: Times Square Mall, 7274 Broadway St & 42nd St., Mount Vernon, IL 62864
Program details: This is a free event.

March 18th: Orchids of Missouri presentation
Sponsor: Missouri Department of Conservation
Time: 11:00AM
Location: Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center, 2289 County Park Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO  63701
Program details: Spring Native Plant Seminar

March 21st: Searching for Styrax americanus presentation
Sponsor: Southern Chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Zoom
Program details: TBA

March 22nd: Native Orchids of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Carbondale Garden Study Club
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

April 5th (begins online), virtual component on April 12th and April 19th: Identify Woodland Wildflowers online class
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 7:00PM to 8:30PM
Location: Virtual
Program details:   Register here.  

April 14/15th: Botanical Humor presentation
Sponsor: Kentucky Native Plant Society
Time: 7:30PM
Location: Cumberland Falls SRP, 7351 Highway 90, Corbin, KY 40701
Program details: This program is part of the Kentucky Native Plant Society's Wildflower Weekend.

April 20th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers presentation
Sponsor: Rock River Wild Ones
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Virtual
Program details: This program is free and open to the public.

April 27th: Plant Blindness presentation
Sponsor: Science in the South
Time: 11:00AM
Location: Friends Lodge, Touch of Nature Outdoor Education Center, 1206 Touch of Nature Road, Makanda, IL 62958
Program details: This is a private conference.

May 7th: Rare and Showy Plants of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Prairie Preservation Society of Ogle County
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Lorado Taft Campus, 1414 N. River Road, Oregon, IL
Program details: This talk will be part of their annual dinner event.

May 7th: Wildflower Walk 
Sponsor: Nachusa Grasslands
Time: 1:00PM - 3:00PM
Location: 8772 S Lowden Road, Franklin Grove, IL 61031
Program details:  contact Bill Kleiman to participate, bkleiman@tnc.org.

June 21st - 23rd: DuPage County Wetland ID class
Sponsor: DuPage County Stormwater Management
Time: 8:30AM-4:00PM
Location: Various
Program details:   Registration required, contact Nick Assell at nick.assell@dupageco.org.

July 1st-31th: Rare Plants of Southern Illinois Photography exhibit
Sponsor: Giant City State Park
Time: all month
Location: Giant City State Park Visitor's Center
Program details:   Photos will be on display in the atrium of the Visitor's Center during the month of July.

July 18th: Native Wildflowers of Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Anna Jonesboro Garden Club
Time: 5:00PM Social, 5:30PM talk
Location: Blue Sky Vineyard, 3150 S Rocky Comfort Road, Makanda, Il. 62958
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation that is open to the public.  Tickets are $15 for non-members.

July 24th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Elmhurst Public Library
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.  

July 30th: The Flora of Grantsburg Swamp presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

August 10th: Plants of Concern: a Rare Plant Monitoring Program presentation
Sponsor:  Illinois Native Plant Society Central Chapter
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Adam's Wildlife Sanctuary, Springfield, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

August 12th: Prairie Walk and Prairie History presentation
Sponsor:  Hummingbird Festival
Time: 11:30AM and 1:00PM
Location: Twinflower Inn, Bishop Hill, IL
Program details: I will be giving a brief tour of prairie plants and later discussing the history of the Illinois Prairie.

August 26th: Nature Hike 
Sponsor:  Friends of the Illinos Nature Preserves
Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00PM
Location: Round Bluff Nature Preserve, Ferne Clyffe State Park, Goreville, IL 
Program details: I will be leading a hike for the 60th anniversary of the Illinois Nature Preserves law.  Register for the hike here and scroll down to the hike at Round Bluff Nature Preserve.

September 9th: Saving Illinois Nature presentation
Sponsor:  Heartlands Conservancy
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Rock Springs Park, 1428 E 3rd St., O'Fallon, IL 
Program details: This is for their "Field to Fork" event. https://heartlandsconservancy.org/field-to-fork/

September 21st: The Best Nature Photos in Illinois by Chris Benda presentation
Sponsor:  University of Illinois Master Naturalists
Time: 10:00AM
Location: Touch of Nature Outdoor Education Center, 1206 Touch of Nature Road, Makanda, IL 62958
Program details: TBA

September 21st: Prairie Hike
Sponsor:  Springfield Audubon Society
Time: 6:00PM
Location: Adam's Wildlife Sanctuary, Springfield, IL
Program details: TBA

December 3rd: Illinois Botanizer's Best of Illinois Nature Photos 2023 presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

2022 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

February 14th: Butterfly Host Plants and Rare Plants of Southern Illinois presentations CANCELLED
Sponsor: 33rd Midwestern Herb and Garden Show
Time: 1:00PM and 3:30PM
Location: Times Square Mall, 7274 Broadway St & 42nd St., Mount Vernon, IL 62864
Program details:  Schedule of events

March 9th: Plants of Concern Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor:  Rotary Club of Carbondale
Time: 12:00PM
Location: Elementary school district building at 925 S. Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details:   This event is free and open to the public.  If you choose to have lunch, it will cost $10.

March 27th: Learn how to evaulate the natural quality of the landscape using FQA presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

April 1st - 3rd: Waterfalls, Wildflowers, and Wineries Tour 
Sponsor: Camp Ondessonk
Location: Ozark, IL
Program details: Register by calling Camp Ondessonk at 877-659-2267

April 9th: Botanical Humor: You Never Knew Plants Were So Funny presentation
Sponsor: McHenry County Master Gardeners Gardenfest
Time: 1:30PM
Location: McHenry County College
Program details: This is part of an in-person conference.  

April 13th (begins online), virtual component on April 21st and May 5th: Identify Woodland Wildflowers online class
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 10:00AM to 11:30AM
Location: Virtual
Program details:   Register here.  

April 19th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Homer Township Public Library
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.  

April 23rd: Wildflower Hike tour
Sponsor: River to River Trail Society
Time: 10:00AM
Location: Bulge Hole Ecological Area
Program details: Meet at the Forest Service office on Highway 45 in Vienna.  The hike is free and open to the public, but registration is required.

April 29th - 30th: Waterfalls, Wildflowers, and Wineries Tour 
Sponsor: Camp Ondessonk
Location: Ozark, IL
Program details: Register by calling Camp Ondessonk at 877-659-2267

May 12th: Ecology of Spring Wildflowers presentation and hike
Sponsor: Science in the South
Time: TBD
Location: Touch of Nature Outdoor Education Center, 1206 Touch of Nature Road, Makanda, IL 62958
Program details: This is a private conference.

June 7th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Blue Island Library
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

June 17th - August 5th: Flora of Southern Illinois college course 
Sponsor: Southern Illinois University
Location: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This is an 8-week 400 level college course taught through the Plant Biology Department at SIUC.

June 11th-12th: Natural Areas Training Workshop
Sponsor: Illinois Forestry Development Council
Time: 9:00AM Saturday to 6:00PM Sunday
Location: Various locations near Nachusa Grasslands, near Oregon, Illinois.
Program details:  Wonder why an area is designated as a “Natural Area?” Take your knowledge of plants to the next level with a hands on field workshop that will explain how to assess and grade the different plant communities found across the state of Illinois. These workshops are designed for practitioners, students, and lay people
who have an interest in understanding how to assess the natural quality of land, using a variety of metrics.  Two workshops will be offered in Illinois and some botanical skills are recommended.

June 13th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Peru Public Library
Time: 6:30PM
Location: 1408 11th St., Peru, IL 61354
Program details:   This slideshow presentation will be held in person and is free and open to the public.

June 14th - 16th: DuPage County Wetland ID class
Sponsor: DuPage County Stormwater Management
Time: 8:30AM-4:00PM
Location: Various
Program details:   Registration required.

July 13th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Harrisburg Library
Time: 6:00PM
Location: 2 West Walnut St. Harrisburg, IL 62946
Program details: This program be given in-person at the library.

July 14th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Winnetka-Northfield Public Library
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Virtual
Program details:   Registration required.

July 23rd: Illinois Pioneer Cemetery Prairies presentation
Sponsor: Paris Public Library
Time: 1:00PM
Location: 207 S. Main St., Paris, IL 62946
Program details: This program be given in-person at the library.

July 24th: Rare Plants and Their Common Lookalikes presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

August 1st-31th: Rare Plants of Southern Illinois Photography exhibit
Sponsor: Giant City State Park
Time: all month
Location: Giant City State Park Visitor's Center
Program details:   Photos will be on display in the atrium of the Visitor's Center during the month of August.

October 10th: Illinois Pioneer Cemetery Prairies presentation
Sponsor: Wild Ones - Illinois Prairie Chapter
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Mennonite Church of Normal, 805 S. Cottage Ave., Normal, IL  61761
Program details: This presentation is planned to be held in-person and is free and open to the public.

October 13th: Plants of Concern Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor:  Sierra Club
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom, register at this link.
Program details:   This event is free and open to the public.  

October 18th: The Importance of Remnant Prairies with a focus on Bell Bowl Prairie presentation
Sponsor: Sinnissippi Audubon
Time: 6:00PM
Location:  116 N. Madison St. Rockford, IL, Bowtruss Room @ Rockford City Market
Program details:   This event is open to the public, but registration is required.   Order tickets here

October 19th: Rare Plants and the Habitats That Support Them presentation
Sponsor: Sag Moraine Native Plant Community
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Virtual
Program details: This presentation will be held via Zoom.  Registration available here.

October 26th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois
Sponsor: Lake Bluff Garden Club
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required, details to be provided soon.

November 10th: Updating the Illinois Big Tree Registry presentation
Sponsor: Illinois Native Plant Society Central Chapter
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Adams Wildlife Santuary, 2315 E. Clear Lake Ave., Springfield, IL
Program details:   This slideshow presentation will be held in-person and is free and open to the public.

December 4th: Illinois Botanizer's Best of Illinois Nature Photos 2022 presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

2021 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

January 12th: Pioneer Cemetery Prairies of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: LaSalle Public Library
Time: 6:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:  Registration required.

January 18th: Winter Tree Identification presentation
Sponsor: Wild Ones - Illinois Prairie Chapter
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

February 4th: Winter Tree Identification presentation
Sponsor: DuPage Organic Garden Club/Carol Stream Public Library
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

February 18th:  Rare and Showy Plants of the Chicago Region and the Habitats That Support Them
Sponsor: Forest Preserves of Cook County
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

February 22nd: Winter Tree Identification presentation
Sponsor: Golden Hills RC&D Iowa
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

March 3rd: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois
Sponsor: Conservation Foundation
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

March 11th: Rare Plants of Southern Illinois
Sponsor: Environmental Education Association
Time: 10:10-10:40AM
Location: Virtual
Program details:   Registration required.

March 11th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers presentation
Sponsor: Missouri Department of Conservation
Time: 6:00PM
Location: Virtual
Program details:   Registration required.

April 30th and May 7th: Identify Woodland Wildflowers online class
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 10:30AM to Noon
Location: Virtual
Program details:   Register here.  

June 1st-30th: Rare Plants of Southern Illinois Photography exhibit
Sponsor: Giant City State Park
Time: all month
Location: Giant City State Park Visitor's Center
Program details:   Photos will be on display in the atrium of the Visitor's Center during the month of June.

June 7th - August 1st: Flora of Southern Illinois college course ONLINE
Sponsor: Southern Illinois University
Location: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This is an 8-week 400 level college course taught through the Plant Biology Department at SIUC that will be instructed in an online format for 2021.

June 11th-13th: Natural Areas Training Workshop
Sponsor: Illinois Forestry Development Council
Time: 1:00PM Friday to 2:00PM Sunday
Location: Various locations in southernmost Illinois, starting on the west side of the state.
Program details:  Wonder why an area is designated as a “Natural Area?” Take your knowledge of plants to the next level with a hands on field workshop that will explain how to assess and grade the different plant communities found across the state of Illinois. These workshops are designed for practitioners, students, and lay people
who have an interest in understanding how to assess the natural quality of land, using a variety of metrics.  Three workshops will be offered throughout Illinois and some botanical skills are recommended.

June 15th: Plants of Concern Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor:  Illinois Native Plant Society - Southern Chapter
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

June 18th-20th: Natural Areas Training Workshop
Sponsor: Illinois Forestry Development Council
Time: 1:00PM Friday to 2:00PM Sunday
Location: Various locations near Nachusa Grasslands, near Oregon, Illinois.
Program details:  Wonder why an area is designated as a “Natural Area?” Take your knowledge of plants to the next level with a hands on field workshop that will explain how to assess and grade the different plant communities found across the state of Illinois. These workshops are designed for practitioners, students, and lay people
who have an interest in understanding how to assess the natural quality of land, using a variety of metrics.  Three workshops will be offered throughout Illinois and some botanical skills are recommended.

June 25th-27th: Natural Areas Training Workshop CANCELLED
Sponsor: Illinois Forestry Development Council
Time: 1:00PM Friday to 2:00PM Sunday
Location: Various locations near Champaign, Illinois.
Program details:  Wonder why an area is designated as a “Natural Area?” Take your knowledge of plants to the next level with a hands on field workshop that will explain how to assess and grade the different plant communities found across the state of Illinois. These workshops are designed for practitioners, students, and lay people
who have an interest in understanding how to assess the natural quality of land, using a variety of metrics.  Three workshops will be offered throughout Illinois and some botanical skills are recommended.

July 8th: Pollinators and Their Host Plants presentation
Sponsor: Heartlands Conservancy
Time: 6:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:  Register here.

August 3rd: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Lake to Prairie Wild Ones
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration available at this link.

September 16th: Plants of Concern Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor:  Southern Illinois University Zoology Seminar Series
Time: 4:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

October 4th: Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois presentation
Sponsor:  Mayslake Nature Study and Photography Club
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

October 28th: Butterfly Host Plants presentation
Sponsor:  Chicago Living Corrdors
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

November 12th: Plants of Concern Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor:  Cincinnati Wildflower Preservation Society
Time: 7:30PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

December 5th: Illinois Botanizer's Best of Illinois Nature Photos 2021 presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This in-person slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

December 8th: Plants of Concern Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor:  Kentucky Native Plant Society Botanical Symposium
Time: 9:00AM
Location: Zoom
Program details:   Registration required.

2020 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

January 19th: Hiking the River to River Trail Across Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

January 21st: Accomplishments from the last decade of the Illinois Native Plant Society Southern chapter presentation
Sponsor: Southern chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Carbondale Township Hall, 217 East Monroe Street, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

January 24st: Shawnee National Forest 80th Anniversary presentation
Sponsor: Shawnee National Forest
Time: 5:30PM
Location: University Museum, 1000 Faner Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

January 31st: Winter Twig Identification workshop
Sponsor: University of Illinois Extension Unit 13
Time: 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Location: Champaign, IL
Program details:  Registration here.

January 31st: Winter Twig Identification workshop
Sponsor: University of Illinois Extension Unit 13
Time: 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: Champaign, IL
Program details:  Registration here.

February 14th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers and Wildflowers for the Home Garden presentations
Sponsor: 32nd Midwestern Herb and Garden Show
Time: 12:30PM and 3:00PM
Location: Times Square Mall, 7274 Broadway St & 42nd St., Mount Vernon, IL 62864
Program details:  Schedule of events

March 5th: Wildflowers for the Home Garden presentation
Sponsor: Tinley Park Public Library
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Tinley Park Public Library, 7851 Timber Dr, Tinley Park, IL 60477
Program details:  This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

March 7th: Wildflowers for the Home Garden presentation
Sponsor: Darien Garden Club
Time: 11:00AM
Location: Chateau Orleans, 8025 S. Cass Ave., Darien, IL
Program details:  Spring Gardening Inspiration website

March 14th: Orchids of Missouri presentation
Sponsor: Missouri Department of Conservation
Time: 12:30PM
Location: Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center, 2289 County Park Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO  63701
Program details: Spring Native Plant Seminar

March 25th: Using a Dichotomous Key presentation CANCELLED
Sponsor: Carbondale Garden Study Club
Time: 5:30PM
Location: Carbondale Township Hall, 217 East Monroe Street, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

March 29th: Botanical Names Demystified presentation CANCELLED
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

March 29th - April 3rd: Guided Hiking Tour in Southern Illinois CANCELLED
Road Scholars hiking program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

April 3rd - 5th: Waterfalls, Wildflowers, and Wineries Tour CANCELLED
Sponsor: Camp Ondessonk
Location: Ozark, IL
Program details: Register by calling Camp Ondessonk at 877-659-2267

April 9th: Botany 101 training CANCELLED
Sponsor: Southern Illinois Master Naturalist Program
Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM
Location: Giant City State Park Visitor's Center, IL
Program details:  https://web.extension.illinois.edu/ajmpu/mn/

April 18th: Wildflower Hike CANCELLED
Sponsor: River to River Trail Society
Time: 10:00AM
Location: Panther Den Wilderness Area
Program details: Meet at the trailhead on Panther Den Lane.  The hike is free and open to the public.

April 19 - April 24th: Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Ride the Shawnee National Forest CANCELLED
Road Scholars hiking program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

April 27th: Plant Blindness presentation CANCELLED
Sponsor: Sun Foundation Clean Water Celebration
Time: 9:00AM to 2:00PM
Location: Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, Illinois
Program details: Registration here.

April 28th: Illinois Pioneer Cemetery Prairies CANCELLED
Sponsor: LaSalle Public Library
Time: 6:00PM
Location: LaSalle Public Library, LaSalle, IL
Program details:  TBA

May 8th: Identify Woodland Wildflowers course ONLINE
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

May 9th: Identify Woodland Wildflowers course CANCELLED
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

May 10th: Wildflower Walk CANCELLED
Sponsor: Starved Rock Lodge
Time: TBD
Location: Starved Rock Lodge, Ottawa, IL
Program details:  Registration available soon.

June 15th - July 31st: Flora of Southern Illinois college course ONLINE
Sponsor: Southern Illinois University
Location: LSII, room 451, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This is an 8-week 400 level college course taught through the Plant Biology Department at SIUC.

June 19th-21st: INAI Training Workshop
Sponsor: Illinois Forestry Development Council
Time: 1:00PM Friday to 2:00PM Sunday
Location: Various locations in southernmost Illinois, starting on the west side of the state.
Program details:  This 3-day workshop will teach participants about how to evaluate, classify, and sample natural areas in Illinois, using protocols described by the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI).  Various natural areas in all major natural divisions throughout southernmost Illinois will be visited and participants will gain hands-on field experience, as well as tutorials through live Zoom sessions.  Each workshop is limited to 9 participants according to social distancing guidelines.  Please register by emailing botanizer@gmail.com.

June 26th-28th: INAI Training Workshop
Sponsor: Illinois Forestry Development Council
Time: 1:00PM Friday to 2:00PM Sunday
Location: Various locations in southernmost Illinois, starting on the west side of the state.
Program details:  This 3-day workshop will teach participants about how to evaluate, classify, and sample natural areas in Illinois, using protocols described by the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI).  Various natural areas in all major natural divisions throughout southernmost Illinois will be visited and participants will gain hands-on field experience, as well as tutorials through live Zoom sessions.  Each workshop is limited to 9 participants according to social distancing guidelines.  Please register by emailing botanizer@gmail.com.

July 26th: Flora of Kinkaid Lake presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Outdoors at Shelter 2.
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

August 13th: Whiskey and Wildflowers (drink and lecture) CANCELLED
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

August 14th: Woodland Tree ID course CANCELLED
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

August 15th: Woodland Tree ID course CANCELLED
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

September 12th: Plant Identification workshop CANCELLED
Sponsor: Lincoln Land College
Time: 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Location: Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, Springfield, Illinois 62794
Program details: TBD

September 17th: Illinois Pioneer Cemetery Prairies VIDEO
Sponsor: Rock River Valley Wild Ones
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Rock Valley College, 3301 N Mulford Rd, Rockford, IL
Program details:  This topic was made into a video available at this link.

September 20th - 25th: Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Ride the Shawnee National Forest CANCELLED
Road Scholars sampler program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

September 27th - October 2nd: Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Ride the Shawnee National Forest CANCELLED
Road Scholars sampler program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

October 6th: Illinois Pioneer Cemetery Prairies presentation CANCELLED
Sponsor: Friends of the Paris Public Library
Time: 6:00PM
Location: Paris Public Library, Paris, IL
Program details:  Free and open to the public. 

October 8th: Illinois Pioneer Cemetery Prairies presentation CANCELLED
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

October 9th: Uncommon Woodland Tree ID course CANCELLED
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

October 10th: Woodland Tree ID course CANCELLED
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

October 11th - 16th:  4-day Guided Hiking Tour in Southern Illinois CANCELLED
Road Scholars hiking program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

November 7th: Winter Tree ID workshop CANCELLED
Sponsor: Lincoln Land College
Time: 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Location: Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, Springfield, Illinois 62794
Program details: Trees and other woody plants can be easily identified in the winter if you know what to look for. This workshop will teach you the characteristics that make it easy to identify trees by their buds and twigs. Instruction provided by botanist Chris Benda.  Register here.

November 10th: Wildflowers presentation CANCELLED
Sponsor: Anna-Jo Garden Club
Time: 12:00PM
Location: United Methodist Church, 111 West Monroe Street, Anna, IL
Program details:  Free and open to the public. 

November 18th: Basics of Winter Tree ID presentation
Sponsor: Heartlands Conservancy
Time: 7:30PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:  Register with Heartlands Conservancy.

December 6th: Illinois Botanizer's Best of Illinois Nature 2020 CANCELLED
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

December 14th: Natural Areas of Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Batavia Woman's Club
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Zoom
Program details:  This is a private event.


2019 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

January 13th: Hiking the River to River Trail Across Southern Illinois
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

January 19th: Winter Tree ID course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

February 16th:  Illinois Wildflowers for the Home Garden presentation
Sponsor: Wildflower Preservation and Propagation Committee of McHenry County
Time: 1:00PM (conference all day)
Location: McHenry County College Luecht Confernce Center, 8900 US Route 14, Crystal Lake, Illinois
Program details:  www.thewppc.org

February 19th: Winter Tree Identification presentation
Sponsor: Illinois Native Plant Society Southern Chapter
TIme: 6:30PM
Location: Carbondale Township Hall, 217 E Main St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: Program is free and open to the public.  Enter through the green door in the back of the building.

February 21st: Botanical Humor presentation
Sponsor: Illinois Association of Conservation Districts
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Starved Rock State Park, Utica, Illinois
Program details:  Registration at this link.

February 23rd: A Day in the Life of a Field Biologist presentation
Sponsor: Wild Things conference
Time: 4:00PM
Location: Donald E Stephens Convention Center, 555 N River Rd., Rosemount, Illinois
Program details:  Registration details here.

March 4th: Winter Twig Identification workshop (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: University of Illinois Extension Unit 13
Time: 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: Champaign, IL
Program details:  Registration here.

March 5th: Winter Twig Identification workshop (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: University of Illinois Extension Unit 13
Time: 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: Champaign, IL
Program details:  Registration here.

March 10th:  A Day in the Life of a Field Biologist presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

March 13th: Illinois Native Wildflowers for Gardens and Winter Tree Identification presentations
Sponsor: Gateway Green Conference
Time: 10:20AM & 12:30PM
Location: Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, Illinois
Program details:  Registration details here.

March 15th:  Botanical Names Demystified course (online only)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Program details: This is a newly developed online course.  Registration is available here.  

March 24th - 29th: A week of hiking in Southern Illinois (CANCELLED)
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

March 29th -31st: Waterfalls, Wildflowers, and Wineries Tour (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: Camp Ondessonk
Location: Ozark, IL
Program details: Register by calling Camp Ondessonk at 877-659-2267

March 31st - April 5th: A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

April 5th - 7th: Waterfalls, Wildflowers, and Wineries Tour (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: Camp Ondessonk
Location: Ozark, IL
Program details: Register by calling Camp Ondessonk at 877-659-2267

April 7th:  Hiking the River to River Trail Across Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Harrisburg Library
Time: 2:00PM
Location: 2 W Walnut St., Harrisburg, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

April 7th - 12th: Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Ride the Shawnee National Forest
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

April 11th: Illinois Native Wildflowers for Gardens
Sponsor: April in Paris Garden Conference
Time: 8:15AM - 12:30PM
Location:  Cornerstone Baptist Church, 15197 US Hwy 150, Paris, IL.
Program details:  Register here

April 13th - Trigg Ozark Tours Spring 2018
Sponsor: Illinois Ozarks
Time: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Location: Vienna, IL
Program details: Registration available at http://www.illinoisozarks.com/ozark-tour/

April 23rd: Illinois Wildflowers for the Home Garden 
Sponsor: Champaign County Master Gardeners
Time: 7:00PM
Location: University of Illinois Extension, 801 N. Country Fair Drive, Champaign, IL 61821
Program details:  This program is free and open to the public.  More info here.

April 27th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers
Sponsor: Starved Rock Foundation
Time: 1:30PM to 2:30PM
Location: Starved Rock State Park Visitor's Center, Utica, Illinois
Program details: This program is free and open to the public.

April 29th: Plant Blindness presentation
Sponsor: Sun Foundation Clean Water Celebration
Time: 9:00AM to 2:00PM
Location: Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, Illinois
Program details: Registration here.

May 2nd: Botany 101
Sponsor: Southern Illinois Master Naturalist Program
Time: 1:00PM-4:00PM
Location: Rend Lake Visitor's Center, IL
Program details:  https://web.extension.illinois.edu/ajmpu/mn/

May 3rd: Identify Woodland Wildflowers course
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

May 4th: Identify Woodland Wildflowers course
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

May 6th: Botany 101 for Artists workshop
Sponsor:  Heeyoung Kim
Time: 1:00PM to 5:00PM
Location: Brushwood Center, Ryerson Woods, 21850 N. Riverwoods Rd, Riverwoods, IL 60015
Program details:  at this link.

May 7th: Plant Identification workshop
Sponsor: Illinois Extention Forestry
Time: 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Location: Dixon Springs Ag Center, 354 St Hwy 145 N, Simpson, IL 62985
Program details:  Registration available here.

June 5th-7th: Wetland Plant Identification workshop
Sponsor: DuPage County Stormwater Management and Orbis Environmental Consulting
Time: 8:30AM to 4:00PM on June 5-7, 2019
Location: 422 North County Farm, Wheaton, IL 60187
Program details:  Registration available here.

June 14th - August 2nd: Flora of Southern Illinois college course
Sponsor: Southern Illinois University
Location: LSII, room 451, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This is an 8-week 400 level college course taught through the Plant Biology Department at SIUC.

July:  Illinois Orchids photo exbihit
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: The month of July
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This photo exhibit is free and open to the public during regular hours.

July 28th:  Illinois Orchids presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

August 7th: Hidden Natural Treasures:  A Selection of Natural Areas in Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Metro East Herb Club
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Southwestern Illinois College, PSOP Bldg., 201 N. Church St., Belleville, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

August 9th: Woodland Tree ID course 
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

August 10th: Illinois Natural Divisions course for the Master Naturalist program
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 9:00AM to 11:00AM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  coming soon

August 10th: Wildflower Walk Along the River
Sponsor: City of Riverside
Time: 1:00PM wildflower walk, 3:00PM presentation
Location: Riverside Public Library
Program details:  Contact Riverside Public Library

August 11th: Rare Habitats Tour: Northern Flatwoods
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Flatwoods are rare plant community types in Illinois and they are woodlands with a shallow layer of sand or loamy soil over a layer of clay called a fragipan.  The impermeable clay layer causes the ground to be seasonally wet.  As the name implies, these areas are flat with poor drainage and ephemeral ponds are common, sometimes called upland morainal depressions.  Only plants adapted to seasonally wet conditions thrive in this community, such as swamp white oak, black ash, winterberry, cardinal flower, marsh speedwell, and various grasses and sedges.  This tour will visit several high-quality examples of Flatwoods communities, located in dedicated Illinois nature preserves in the Chicago region.  Register here.

August 24th: Natural Areas of Illinois CANCELLED
Sponsor: Lincoln Land College
Time: 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Location: Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, Springfield, Illinois 62794
Program details: Only 0.07% of natural land exists in Illinois, but the natural areas that are left are priceless. Learn what makes a natural area special and visit one in the Springfield area (Carpenter Park) along with botanist, Chris Benda. Please bring a sack lunch.  Register here.

September 13th: Uncommon Woodland Tree ID course 
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

September 14th: Woodland Tree ID course 
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

September 15th: Plant Blindness presentation
Sponsor: West Cook Wild Ones
Time: 2:30PM to 4:30PM 
Location: Maze Library, 845 Gunderson, Oak Park, Illinois
Program details: Free and open to the public.

September 15th - 20th: Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Ride the Shawnee National Forest
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

September 22nd - 27th: A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

September 28th: Plant Identification workshop
Sponsor: Society of American Foresters
Location: SIUC and Giant City State Park
Program details:  This is a private event.

October 9th: Hiking the River to River Trail Across Southern Illinois presentation POSTPONED
Sponsor: Champaign Outdoors
Time:  TBD
Location:  2017 A South Neil Street, Champaign, IL 61820
Program details:  Stay tuned for a new date.

October 11th: Woodland Tree ID course 
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

October 12th: Pioneer Cemetery Prairie tour POSTPONED
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: Weston Cemetery Prairie
Program details:  Check in 2020.

October 13th: Asteraceae Workshop
Sponsor: Illinois Native Plant Society Southern chapter
Time: 9 AM to 2 PM
Location: TBD
Program details:  The event is free, but RSVP to southernillinoisplants@gmail.com is required.

November 3rd - 8th: A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

November 5th:  Botanical Names Demystified course (online only)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Program details: This is a newly developed online course.  Registration is available here.  

November 9th: Winter Tree ID workshop
Sponsor: Lincoln Land College
Time: 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Location: Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, Springfield, Illinois 62794
Program details: Trees and other woody plants can be easily identified in the winter if you know what to look for. This workshop will teach you the characteristics that make it easy to identify trees by their buds and twigs. Instruction provided by botanist Chris Benda.  Register here.

November 21st: Rare Plants of Southern Illinois presentation
Sponsor: Kaskasia Valley Audubon Society
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Southwest Illinois College, Redbud, IL
Program details: This program is free and open to the public.

December 8th: Illinois Botanizer's Best of Illinois Nature 2019 
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.


To schedule a program contact: botanizer@gmail.com


2018 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

January 25th: Wildflowers for the Home Garden
Sponsor: Purdue Extension and University of Illinois Extension Bi-State Gardening Conference
Time: 5:00-8:00 CST
Location: The Beef House Restaurant, 16501 IN-63, Covington, IN
Program details: Click here to register.

January 28th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

February 2nd: Winter Tree ID course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details: This is an additional section to the sold out class on Februaru 3rd.  Registration available soon at this link.

February 3rd: Plant Families course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details: Registration available at this link.

February 3rd: Winter Tree ID course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details: Registration available at this link.

February 4th: Winter Tree ID workshop (Private)
Sponsor: Tallgrass Restoration
Time: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: Schaumburg, IL
Program details: Private tour (to book a private workshop, contact Chris at botanizer@gmail.com)

February 11th: Cadaver Botany (must be an Illinois Native Plant Society member)
Sponsor: Illinois Native Plant Society Southern Chapter
Time: 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: Makanda, IL
Program details: Contact botanizer@gmail.com for more information

February 18th: Winter Tree ID workshop CANCELLED
Sponsor:  Center for Nature Studies
Time: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: Giant City State Park Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL 62958
Program details: $50 person with lunch provided.  Registration available soon.  Enrollment: Minimum: 4; Maximum: 20. 

February 21st: Winter Tree ID workshop
Sponsor:  Center for Nature Studies
Time: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: Giant City State Park Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL 62958
Program details: $50 person with lunch provided.  Registration available soon.  Enrollment: Minimum: 4; Maximum: 20. 

March 1st: Why we do what we do: Natural Treasures of Illinois
Sponsor: Prairie State Conservation Coalition (PSCC) Annual Conference
Time: 3:40PM
Location: Starved Rock State Park
Program details: Must be a member of the PSCC.

March 18th: Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers
Sponsor: Prairie Preservation Society of Olge County (PPSOC)
Time: 2:00PM
Location:  1919 N. Limekiln Road, Oregon, IL
Program details: Free and open to the public.

March 18th - 23rd: A week of hiking in Southern Illinois CANCELLED
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

March 25th - 30th: A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

March 31st: Wildflower Walk
Time: 10:00AM
Location: Trail of Tears State Park, Ozark Hills Nature Preserve, Jonesboro, IL
Program details: Registration required, click here to sign up.

April 4th: Wildflowers for the Home Garden
Sponsor: Metro East Herb Club
Time: 7:00PM
Location: Southwestern Illinois College, PSOP Bldg., 201 N. Church St., Belleville, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

April 5th: Botany 101
Sponsor: Southern Illinois Master Naturalist Program
Time: 1:00PM-4:00PM
Location: Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Visitor's Center, Route 148, Marion, IL

April 7th - Trigg Ozark Tours Spring 2018 CANCELLED
Sponsor: Illinois Ozarks
Location: Vienna, IL
Program details: Registration available soon at http://www.illinoisozarks.com/ozark-tour/

April 13th: Natural Areas Association Tour
Sponsor: Natural Areas Association
Time: 10:30AM
Location: Simpson Barrens Ecological Area, Simpson, IL
Program details: Register at NAA website.

April 13th - 15th: Waterfalls, Wildflowers, and Wineries
Sponsor: Camp Ondessonk
Location: Ozark, IL
Program details: Register by calling Camp Ondessonk at 877-659-2267

April 13th - 15th: Illinois Natural Areas Inventory Update: A Project to Find New Natural Areas in Illnois
Sponsor: Illinois Native Plant Society, Southern Chapter
Location: John A. Logan College, Carterville, IL
Program details: Register here.

April 15th - 20th: Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Ride the Shawnee National Forest
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

April 18th: Wildflower Walk (private)
Sponsor: Southern Illinois Photographic Society
Location: Trail of Tears State Forest
Program details: Private Tour (to book a private tour, contact Chris at botanizer@gmail.com)

April 21st: Wildflower Walk
Time: 10:00AM
Location: Heron Pond Nature Preserve, Karnak, IL
Program details: Registration required, click here to sign up.

April 22nd: Wildflower Walk
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Ferne Clyffe State Park, Round Bluff Nature Preserve, Goreville, IL
Program details: Registration required, click here to sign up.

April 26th: Natural Areas of Southern Illinois
Sponsor: Carbondale PrimeTimers Luncheon & Program
Time: 12:15PM
Location: Carbondale First United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall, 214 W Main St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: Private lunch at 11:30AM with presentation to follow open to the public at 12:15PM.

April 27th - 29th: Wildflower Tour
Sponsor: Missouri Native Plant Society
Location: various locations in southern Illinois
Program details: Private Tour (to book a private tour, contact Chris at botanizer@gmail.com)

May 3rd: Native Plant talk and wildflower walk
Sponsor: Oakton Community College
Time: 12:30PM - 3:30PM
Location: Des Plaines, IL
Program details:  Free and open to the public.

May 4th: Spring Woodland Wildflowers course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details: Registration available here.

May 5th: Spring Woodland Wildflowers course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Time: 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details: Registration available here.

May 6th: Wildflower Walk (private)
Sponsor: Nachusa Grasslands
Program details:  Private tour (to book a private tour, contact Chris at botanizer@gmail.com)

May 8th: Wildflowers for the Home Garden
Sponsor: Lurie Garden
Time: 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60601
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public. Register here.

May 12th: Wildflower Walk
Time: 10:00AM
Location: Giant City State Park, Fern Rocks Nature Preserve, Trillium Trail
Program details: Registration required, click here to sign up.

May 16th: Lake Forest Openlands Annual Meeting
Sponsor: Lake Forest Openlands
Time: 6:00PM
Location: Lake Forest, IL
Program details: Members only.

June 14th:  Natural Area tour
Sponsor:  University of Illinois Extension
Program details:  Private tour (to book a private tour, contact Chris at botanizer@gmail.com)

June 16th - August 3rd: Flora of Southern Illinois college course
Sponsor: Southern Illinois University
Location: LSII, room 451, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Program details: This is an 8-week 400 level college course taught through the Plant Biology Department at SIUC.

June 19th: Illinois Wildflowers for the Home Garden
Sponsor: Decatur Garden Club
Time: 11:00AM
Location: Richland Community College, Decatur, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

June 19th: Wildflower Walk
Sponsor: University of Illinois Extension, Allerton Park and Retreat Center, and Prairie Rivers Network
Time: 5:00PM - 6:30PM
Location: 515 Old Timber Rd., Monticello, IL 61856
Program details: The walk is $5 and registration at this link.

June 21st: Natural Areas Tour
Sponsor: Private
Program details: Private tour (to book a private tour, contact Chris at botanizer@gmail.com)

June 24th: Rare Plants of Southern Ililnois
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

July 17th: Plant Blindness talk and Wildflower Walk
Sponsor: Welty Environmental Center's Prairie Lecture Series
Time: 5:30PM
Location: 1201 W. Big Hill Road, Beloit, Wisconsin
Program details: This program is free and open to the public.

July 22nd: Wildflower Tour
Sponsor: Heartlands Conservancy
Program details: Private tour (to book a private tour, contact Chris at botanizer@gmail.com)

August 9th: Tour of Fens in NE Illinois (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

August 10th: Woodland Tree ID course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

August 11th: Woodland Tree ID course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

August 12th: Wildflower Walk (private)
Sponsor: Nachusa Grasslands
Program details:  Private tour (to book a private tour, contact Chris at botanizer@gmail.com)

September 7th: Botanical Humor: You Never Knew Plants Were So Funny presentation
Sponsor: University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners State Conference
Time: 10:25AM
Location: Crowne Plaza at 3000 S Dirksen Pkwy, Springfield, IL
Program details: Only for Master Gardeners and their guests.  Registration available here.

September 9th: Plant Blindness presentation
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.

September 15th: Trees of Illinois course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

September 16th: Advanced Tree Identification course (SOLD OUT)
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

September 17th - 21st: Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Ride the Shawnee National Forest
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Click here to register.

September 18th: Flora of the Illinois Coastal Plain
Sponsor: Illinois Native Plant Society Southern Chapter
TIme: 6:30PM
Location: Carbondale Township Hall, 217 E Main St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program details: Program is free and open to the public.  Enter throught the green door in the back of the building.

September 22nd: Native Plants of Southern Illinois
Sponsor: University of Illinois Extension
Time: TBD
Location: Shawnee Community College
Program details: Conservation Workshop for Landowners

September 23rd - 28th: A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Click here to register.

October 5th: Woodland Tree Identification course
Sponsor: The Morton Arboretum
Location: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Program details:  Registration available here.

October 9th: Botany 101 and Natural Divisions of Illinois
Sponsor: University of Illinois Extension Unit 23
Time: 9:00AM-3:00PM
Location: Rend Lake College, Benton, IL 62812

November 4th - 9th: A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Program details: Click here to register.

November 29th: Botany 101
Sponsor: Southern Illinois Master Naturalist Program
Time: 1:00PM-4:00PM
Location: Cache River Wetlands Center, Ullin, IL

December 2nd: Illinois Botanizer's Best of Illinois Nature 2018 
Sponsor: Friends of Giant City State Park
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Giant City Visitor Center, 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, IL
Program details: This slideshow presentation is free and open to the public.


To schedule a program contact: botanizer@gmail.com


2017 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

January 8th - Wild Orchids of Illinois
Little Egypt Orchid Society
Murphysboro, Illinois - This is a private event for members only.

January 18th - Wild Orchids of Illinois
Marion Garden Club
Heartland Christian Church, 900 E Boyton, Marion, Illinois
Program starts at 1:00PM and is open to the public.

January 29th - Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers 
Giant City State Park
Visitor's Center 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, Illinois
Program starts at 2:00PM and is open to the public.

February 16th - Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers of Illinois 
Rock River Valley Wild Ones
Rock Valley College, 3301 N Mulford Rd., Rockford, Illinois, 61114
Program starts at 7:00PM and is open to the pubic.

February 18th - Illinois Pioneer Cemetery Prairies
Wild Thing Conference 
UIC Forum, 725 W Roosevelt Rd. (MC 126), Chicago‚ Illinois, 60608
Registration information here.

February 18th - A Novel Card Game about Restoration: How to Play​
Wild Thing Conference
UIC Forum, 725 W Roosevelt Rd. (MC 126), Chicago‚ Illinois, 60608
Registration information here.

February 18th - Top Cook County Forest Preserves
Wild Thing Conference (poster session)
UIC Forum, 725 W Roosevelt Rd. (MC 126), Chicago‚ Illinois, 60608
Registration information here.

Febraury 19th - Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois
Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society (Northwest Chapter)
Nature Center at Potato Creek State Park, 25601 IN-4, North Liberty, IN 46554
Program starts at 1:00PM and is free and open to the public.

February 26th - Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois
Byron Forest Preserve District winter lecture series
Jarrett Prairie Center, 7993 N River Rd, Byron, Illinois, 61010
Program begins at 2:00PM and is open to the public.

March 2nd - The Value of Our State's Finest Places
Prairie State Conservation Coalition Annual Meeting
Starved Rock State Park Lodge, Ottawa, Illinois

March 4th - Illinois Wildflowers for the Home Garden
McLean Master Gardener's Home, Lawn, & Garden Day - Keynote Speaker
Central Catholic High School, 1201 Airport Rd, Bloomington, Illinois, 61704
Event starts at 9:00AM and runs until 3:00PM.  

March 11th - Restoration and Wildlife course - CANCELLED
The Morton Arboretum
4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Identify and apply short and long term restoration activities to enhance wildlife habitat.  Register at this link.

March 19th - 24th - A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Click here to register.

March 20th - Ecology of Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers 
Golden Gate Garden Club
Carterville Civic Center, 120 N. Greenbriar Road, Carterville, Illinois
Program starts at 7:00PM and is open to the public.

March 22nd - A Selection of Natural Areas in Southern Illinois
Neighborhood Co-op 
1815 W Main St., Carbondale, Illinois, 62901
Program starts at 5:30PM and is open to the public.

March 26th - 31st - A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Click here to register.

March 31st - April 2nd - Illinois Indigenous Plants Symposium
Illinois Native Plant Society Southern chapter
John A. Logan College, Carterville, Illinois

April 4th - Flora and Fauna of Southern Illinois
Southern Illinois Photographic Society
Marion Carnegie Library, 206 S Market St., Marion, IL 62959
Program begins at 7:00PM and is free and open to the public.

April 8th - Wildflowers, Waterfalls, and Wineries
Camp Ondessonk
3760 Ondessonk Rd., Ozark, IL 62972
Register at this link.

April 20th - Botany 101
Southern Illinois Master Naturalist Program
Giant City State Park, Makanda, IL 62958

April 29th - Ozark Trigg Tours
Guided tour led by experts to scenic locations in southeastern Illinois.

May 6th - Identify Woodland Wildflowers course
The Morton Arboretum
4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Registration available at this link.

June 17th to August 4th - The Flora of Southern Illinois (PLB451)
Plant Biology Department - Southern Illinois University
Registration information here

July 24th - Wildflowers for the Home Garden
Tupelo Chapter of Wild Ones
Carbondale Township Hall, 217 East Main St., Carbondale, IL 62901
Program begins at 7:00PM and is free and open to the public.

August 23rd - Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois
Missouri Native Plant Society, St. Louis Chapter
Sunset Hills Community Center, 3915 S Lingberg Blvd, St. Louis, MO
Program begins at 7:30PM and is open to the public.

August 25th - Trees of Illinois I course
The Morton Arboretum
4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Registration available soon.

September 23rd - Woodland Trees course
The Morton Arboretum
4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Registration available soon.

September 24th - 29th - A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Click here to register.

October 7th - Trees of Illinois II course
The Morton Arboretum
4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
Registration available soon.

October 12th - Native Orchids of Illinois
Salem Garden Club - Salem, Illinois.  
​University of Illinois Extension office, 1404 W. Main St., Salem, Illinois.  
The program will begin at 6:00pm and is free and open to the public.

November 5th - 10th - A week of hiking in Southern Illinois
Road Scholars program through Camp Ondessonk - Ozark, Illinois
Click here to register.

November 12th - Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois
Giant City State Park
Visitor's Center 235 Giant City Road, Makanda, Illinois
Program starts at 1:00PM and is open to the public.

November 30th - Rare Plants of Northern Illinois
Northern Illinois Seed Growers Group
Oak Brook, Illinois

December 5th - The Best Nature Areas in Southern Illinois
Southern Illinois Photographic Society Christmas Dinner
Carterville Community Center
Program starts at 1:00PM and for SIPS members only.


To schedule a program contact: botanizer@gmail.com


2016 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

2016 Wildflower Walks Schedule

January 15th - Flora and Fauna of Southern Illinois
Memorial Hospital - Carbondale, Illinois
This program is not open to the public, but is for the Second Act Program at Southern Illinois Healthcare.

January 21st - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas in Illinois  
The Wildlife Society, University of Urbana/Champaign - Urbana, Illinois
This program is free and open to the public.  It will be held in the room W121 in Turner Hall on the campus of the University of Illinois in Urbana/Champaign at 7:00pm.

February 6th - Orchids of Illinois
Giant City State Park - Makanda, Illinois
This program is free and open to the public.  It will be held in the Visitor's Center at 12:00pm. 

March 19th - The Best of Illinois Nature
The Field Museum - Chicago, Illinois
Keynote address for Volunteer Appreciation Day.  More info at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11Je2G-rAZ4ab-2bE88pddvKPure3A9PMltE0dVkyy9U/viewform

April 22nd - Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois
Southern Illinois Audubon Society, Carbondale Township Hall - Carbondale, Illinois
This program will begin at 7pm and is free and open to the public.

April 24th - Sierra Club Wildflower Walk
Ozark Hills Nature Preserve, Trail of Tears State Forest - Jonesboro, Illinois
Meet at the white barn at 1:00pm. Open to members, call Barb by Friday, April 22nd, to register for the outing at 618-529-4824.

April 26th - Mississippi Valley Beekeepers Association
Farm Bureau bldg at 336 South 36th - Quincy, Illinois
This program starts at 7:00PM and is free and open to the public.

April 27th  and April 30th - Identify Spring Woodland Wildflowers
The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois
This program will feature both online and field instruction.  There are two classes, April 27th from 6:30-8:30pm and April 30th from 1:30-4:30pm.  Online registration at https://www.mortonarb.org/courses/identify-woodland-wildflowers

May 1st - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas of Illinois
Prairie Preservation Society of Ogle County - Oregon, Illinois
This program is for their annual dinner at Lorado Taft Campus (Northern Illinois University), located in Oregon, Illinois.  Details at http://ppsoc.net/

May 8th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Kinkaid Lake (Crisenberry Dam), Murphysboro, Illinois
Meet at Crisenberry Dam (parking area at the end of Spillway Road) at 1:00PM.

May 13th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Rim Rock National Recreation Trail, Karber's Ridge, Illinois
Meet at the parking lot at trailhead off Karber’s Ridge Road at 4:00PM

May 14th - Native Plant Workshop 
Don Lee Extension Center, 4618 Broadway - Mount Vernon, Illinois
Cost: FREE, Register for this program by May 11 at web.extension.illinois.edu/bcjmw/ or contact your local Extension office for more information.

May 21st - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Leisure City Limestone Glade, Leisure City
Meet at Dutton Chapel Road & Highway 34, 7 miles south of Herod at 10:00AM

June 3-5 - Illinois Native Plant Society Annual Gathering
Touch of Nature, Carbondale, Illinois
For more information visit, http://www.ill-inps.org/index.php/events/annual-gathering

June 9 - Basic Plant Identification Workshop - CANCELLED
Prospect Heights Park District, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Register for this workshop through the Prospect Heights Park District.

June 12th - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas in Illinois  
West Cook Wild Ones - River Forest, Illinois
This program is free and open to the public.  It will be held at 2:30pm in Room 259 of The Priory, 7200 W Division St., River Forest, IL.  

June 19th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Garden of the Gods (Indian Point Trail), Herod, Illinois
Meet at the backpacker’s parking lot on Garden of the Gods road at 1:00PM.

July 6th - Hidden Natural Treasures of Illinois
Illinois Native Plant Society Quad Cities Chapter - Rock Island, Illinois
Talk begins at 6:30pm at the Singing Bird Lodge at Black Hawk Park (State Historic Site), 1510 46th Ave, Rock Island, Illinois.

July 19th - Guided Hike of Cemetery Prairies in Central Illinois  
North American Prairie Conference - Illinois State University, Bloomington/Normal, Illinois
Registration at http://nap2016.illinoisstate.edu/

July 24th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Whoopie Cat Glade Mountain, Elizabethtown, Illinois
Meet at the Illinois Iron Furnace Historic Site in Hardin County at 1:00PM.

August 6th - Basic Plant Identification Workshop - CANCELLED
Palatine Park District, Palatine, Illinois 
Register for this workshop through the Palatine Heights Park District.

August 13th - Wildflower Walk - CANCELLED due to weather
Shawnee National Forest - Max Creek, Ozark, Illinois
Meet at the Ozark General Store on Hwy 45 in Ozark at 10:00AM.

August 26th - Trees of Illinois
The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois
The class will address the names and ecology of about 30 of Illinois' top trees.  Online Registration available at http://www.mortonarb.org/courses/trees-illinois-i. SOLD OUT

September 8th - Natural Treasures of Illinois
Salem Garden Club - Salem, Illinois.  
​University of Illinois Extension office, 1404 W. Main St., Salem, Illinois.  The program will begin at 6:00pm and is free and open to the public.

September 10th - Wildflower Walk 
Clifftop and Illinois Native Plant Society - Fult's Hill Prairie Nature Preserve, Prairie Du Rocher, Illinois
This program is free and open to the public.  It will start at the trailhead at Fult's Hill Prairie at 10:00am.

September 11th - Trees of Illinois
The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois
The class will address the names and ecology of about 30 of Illinois' top trees.  Online Registration available at http://www.mortonarb.org/courses/trees-illinois-i​. SOLD OUT

September 12th - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas in Illinois  
Illinois Prairie Wild Ones Native Plant Conference - Mennonite Church, 805 S. Cottage Ave., Normal, Illinois

September 16th - Wildflower Walk 
Shawnee National Forest - Todd Fink Barrens Natural Area, Ozark, Illinois
​Meet at the Ozark General Store on Hwy 45 in Ozark at 4:00PM.

September 17th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Cretaceous Hills Natural Area, Brookport, Illinois
​Meet at the rest area along I-24 at the Metropolis/Brookport exit at 10:00AM.

September 20th - Botany 101 - CANCELLED
Illinois Master Naturalist - University of Illinois Extension Pope County
Dixon Springs State Park, Golconda, IL
Details here

September 21st - Botany 101
Illinois Master Naturalist - University of Illinois Extension Monroe County
Monroe County Extension office, Waterloo, IL
Details here

September 22nd - Botany 101
Illinois Master Naturalist - University of Illinois Extension Williamson County
Crab Orchard Wildlife Refuge, Marion, IL
Details here

October 15th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Provo Cemetery Barrens, Tamms, Illinois
​Meet at the U.S. Post Office in Tamms at 10:00AM.

October 16th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Gum Springs/Hoggs Bluff/Split Rock, Ozark, Illinois
​​Meet at the Ozark General Store on Hwy 45 in Ozark at 1:00PM.

November 17th - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas in Illinois  
Kaskaskia Valley Audubon Society - Red Bud, Illinois.  The program will begin at 7:00pm.

November 19th - Rare and Showy Plants of the Chicago Region and the Habitats that Support Them
Greater DuPage Wild Ones - DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, 1828 Old Naperville Rd, Naperville, IL 60563.
Program is free and open to the public and begins at 9:00AM

December 17th - Winter Botany Hike
Atwood Ridge Natural Area, Jonesboro, Illinois
Meet at the Shawnee National Forest office in Jonesboro, Illinois at 10:00AM.

December 18th - Winter Botany Hike
Max Creek, Shawnee National Forest, Ozark, Illinois
Meet at the Ozark General Store in Ozark, Illinois at 1:00PM.


To schedule a program contact: botanizer@gmail.com




2015 Speaking and Appearance Schedule

January 31st - Rare Plants of the Chicago Region and the Habitats That Support Them
Wild Things Conference - University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

March 21st - The Top Natural Areas in Southern Illinois You Must Explore  
Illinois Indigenous Plants Symposium, John A. Logan College, Carterville, Illinois

March 25th - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas in Illinois  
Eastern Illinois Botany Club - Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois

March 30th - The Natural Divisions, Natural Areas, and Natural Communities of Illinois
Master Naturalist (Cook County) - Palos Heights, Illinois

April 18th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Little Grand Canyon, Pomona, Illinois

April 19th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - LaRue Pine Hills, Wolf Lake, Illinois

April 25th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Degognia Canyon, Rockwood, Illinois

April 26th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Jackson Hollow, Ozark, Illinois

May 1st - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas in Illinois
Natural Land Institute - Katie's Cup, Rockford, Illinois

May 11th - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas in Illinois
Sauk Calumet Sierra Club - Frankfort Public Library, Frankfort, Illinois

May 14th - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas in Illinois 
Illinois Native Plant Society (Central chapter) - IAS Adams Sanctuary, Springfield, Illinois

May 15th - Botany 101
Master Naturalist (Kankakee County) - Camp Shaw, Manteno, Illinois

May 17th - Rare Plants of the Chicago Region for the Home Garden
Native Plant Conference - West Cook Wild Ones - Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois

May 19th - Guide to Summer Wildflower Hikes
Illinois Native Plant Society (Southern chapter) - Carbondale Township Hall, Carbondale, Illinois

May 22nd - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Panther Den Wilderness Area, Makanda, Illinois

May 23-24th - Basic Plant Identification Workshop
Illinois Native Plant Society (Southern chapter) - Giant City State Park, Makanda, Illinois

June 4th - Introduction to Plant Identification
Prospect Heights Park District, Prospect Heights, Illinois

July 12th - Wildflower Walk 
Shawnee National Forest - Rim Rock National Recreation Trail, Karbers Ridge, Illinois

July 26th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Stoneface Natural Area - Harrisburg, Illinois

August 8th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Bell Smith Springs, Ozark, Illinois

September 19-20th - Fern Workshop (with Eric Ulaszek)
Illinois Native Plant Society (Southern chapter) - Camp Ondessonk, Ozark, Illinois

September 12th-October 10th - Tree Identification and Ecology course
The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois

September 23rd - Rare Plants and Unique Natural Areas of Illinois
Biology Department Fall Seminar Series - Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois

October 9th - Botany 101
Master Naturalist (Cook County) - Little Red Schoolhouse, Willow Springs, Illinois

October 21st - Botany 101
Master Naturalist (Madison, Monroe, and Waterloo counties) - University of Illinois Extension office, Waterloo, Illinois

October 24th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Atwood Ridge, Jonesboro, Illinois

October 25th - Wildflower Walk
Shawnee National Forest - Lusk Creek Canyon, Eddyville, Illinois

December 10th - The Best of Illinois Nature 2015
Illinois Native Plant Society (Southern chapter) - Longbrach Cafe, Carbondale, Illinois


To schedule a program contact: botanizer@gmail.com